Saturday, May 22, 2010


On Thursday morning I got up at 745. It was the day I would be going to Versailles!! Romain and I left just after 9. We had a two hour car ride there and both of us were super tired. Neither of us are morning people so we didn't talk much until he got his coffee. Lol but we were just content to drive though France together. Everything is green these days and all the flowers are out so the country side is gorgeous.

We got there a little after 11 and grabbed some sandwiches before heading to the gate. I read that European union citizens under 25 get in free so we skipped the line and went straight to the entrance. When we got there I handed the guy my student card and he said he normally would have to see a visa that says I was there for 6 months. He asked me how long I was there for and I told him 5. He hands me my card back and says I didn't hear that and he pushed me on through. I love French people!

We got inside and since the audio guides were included in the "price" we each got one. It told us all about the castle but honestly I learned more from Romain about the castle than I did from the guide. He's my mister histoire. It was his second time to this castle but the first time was when he was young so he didn't remember it. This time he ate everything up. I asked him if he remembered everything he read and he proceeded to tell me about the room were were standing in. He really likes history like that.

We walked all the way though the chateau and we came to the Gallerie de Glace with all 17 windows looking over the gardens and the mirrors covering the opposite wall. It was really incredible and beautiful.

Then we moved into the gardens. Standing at the top by the chateau you could see the gardens stretching over acers and acers of land. We were standing directly off the end of the grand canal where people were rowing boats and the sun was shining... It was beautiful. We didn't know where to start so we started walking towards a pond we saw which we figured were Les Eaux Musicals (musical waters). Then we kept walking along and went into some of the gardens. Most of them were closed but we went into one that was open a ways down. There weren't any flowers in it but it was a beautiful grassy field with only one other couple all the way across. We layed down in the grass together and fell asleep in the sun for a while. That made my day even though I didn't get to see a lot of the gardens. It just means ill have to go back!!

We continued on to the houses of Trianon where the royal family visited during the summer. Though they were smaller they were still very classy and gody inside. The gardens there had flowers which were beautiful. A little further down the road were Marie Antoinette's houses. It was very different from the others and had more of a feel if a medieval castle but I liked it a lot. There were gardens there too that had just a few flowers. But we walked around them and got to see her theater as well. Very beautiful.

Then we headed back to the car. It was a long walk and we enjoyed it but we were both exhausted by the time we reached the car. And we got back just in time for rush hour. It took us a little longer ti get home but I fell asleep for a while... Romain has some embarrassing pictures to prove it.

It was a wonderful day. I wish I could have seen more of the gardens but it gives me just another reason to come back someday! Thanks Romain for taking me to Versailles!!

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